Beer Brother Suspended

Discussed in this post:

  • Athletic Brewing Run Wild IPA (non-alcoholic) 0.4% abv, 35 IBU, 3.39 rating

Caught with Banned Substance

One of Portland’s two foremost beer blogging brothers (Pete) has been suspended by his wife the authorities for 60 days as a result of a positive test for a banned substance--whiskey. The suspension requires complete abstention from the consumption of intoxicating beverages for a 60 consecutive day period.  

In his first public comment since the September 5th infraction and subsequent suspension order, Pete issued the following statement:

Mistakes were made on September 5th, and I deeply regret the situation which has resulted in the draconian measures taken by my wife the governing body. This matter and the subsequent severe suspension are currently under review with a goal of having the incredibly harsh suspension lifted. During the review, there is a limit to what I can comment on publically. I will say, however, that the bottle in question was labelled in a foreign language: Laphroaig. In fact, the only english words on the label that gave a hint to its content were: Single Malt. This led me to believe I was about to enjoy a milkshake-like substance, perhaps butterscotch flavored. When I discovered my innocent error, after consuming a mere 7 to 8 ounces of the banned drink, I quickly switched to beer, a sanctioned beverage.

As a result of the harsh actions taken by Cathy the governing body,  both the many regular readers of this blog have been inconvenienced--and I deeply regret this result of an obvious innocent mistake. If I had a role in the disruption, I am very sorry.

During this cruel suspension period Pete has been drinking seltzer water and the attached photo includes a few favorites. The Lacroix is refreshing when cold, and effervescent with a hint of fruit. Ditto the Polar. Actually, the Spindrift exhibits the same qualities. 

In addition, Pete discovered a gem! Run Wild IPA, brewed by Athletic Brewing Company out of Stratford, CT is delicious. Real beer taste that hangs in there for most of the 12 ounce can. It’s a flavorful beer, and it helps replace the end-of-a-long-day ritual of cracking and enjoying that first, well-deserved beer. It’s hoppy, with citrus notes and overall complexity. It’s thin--which is the first hint it’s a NA beer. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that one is plenty?

It’s our hope that the authorities will address their over-reach in the appropriate way and that we all can resume normal beer drinking. Until such time, however, we’re thrilled that the folks at Athletic Brewing have found and filled a niche in the Craft Brewing scene.  


Jeff Lyons1 Comment